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Illustration & Drawing Tips : How to Draw Celebrities


Temat: Życie codzienne

Alright folks, in this clip I'm going to teach you how to draw celebrities. Celebrity caricatures
to be exact, and I've chosen a couple of familiar faces here, we got Brad Pitt and Angelina
Jolie. They also have very, very distinct visual characteristics about their face, so
it'll be fairly easy to do a caricature of both of them. So, first, first what you're
going to want to do is find a good picture of whichever celebrity, or character you're
hoping to do a caricature of. If you want to become a Caricature Artist this is a skill
you're going to need to have, pulling the details and the things that make people faces
unique, off the page. So we'll start with Brad over here, and as I said, the best place
to start is always the eyes. Brad's eyes are very clear, very distinct, they have a very,
very, obvious sort of a squint to them. So we're going to try and emphasize that a little
bit. I mean he's got a, he's got a good face, we're not going to obviously make fun of him,
but in doing a Caricature, it's basically like calling attention to all the little things
that make a person who they are. He's got some very clear, clear eyes, so we're going
to call attention to those. So we'll start with the kind of squinty look he has going
on, then we're going to come up here and draw the next big thing that I notice, which is
his eyebrows. The eyebrows can also have a natural sort of a squint or sort of a arc,
unique arc to them. Literally what you're trying to do here is look for the things that
make people's characters, things that make them unique. Brad has got very unique eyebrows.
We'll come in here and draw those, moving on to his next defining characteristic, I'd
say he's got a very sharp nose. Come down and try to give him sort of a button nose,
it's kind of hard to do these, honestly, because they are, noses by far are the trickiest thing
that anyone can do. But pay attention particularly to his nostrils if you can, try and really
capture the angle of those. Make his nose kind of pointy, give it a point, give him,
make it round, emphasize the roundness and you've got yourself a nose, Brad Pitt's nose.
Nose and eyes. Alright, now, next moving on down, going to do his lips, he's got nice
lips for a guy, I suppose, and try and make them look as masculine as possible or not.
Again the point of characteristics is to kind of over-exaggerate a lot of these features
that these celebrities have, so, obviously Brad Pitt has got, you know, some very, very
interesting characteristics, we're going to try and, you know, pull them out, coming on
now to a big one, Brad Pitt has got a jaw, and we are going to call a great deal of attention
to the chiseledness, chiseled like quality of the jaw, come on down and really do a nice
solid cut across, and we're going to come on down and really define his chin. Down here,
like that, really kind of draw attention to the chisel like features that make up his
jaw, really get in here and emphasize the lines and curves of the cheekbones, like that.
Really define the jaw that way, and then in comparison we're going to make his ears relatively
small, because we don't want, his ears don't really stand out anyway and you want to kind
of call attention to the things that you want to call attention to. Moving on up, I would
say Brad has got a very interesting shape to his skull, we'll come in and give that
a little bit of attention. He's got a interesting clearly defined hairline, I would say, come
on down, doesn't have receding hair at all, going to come in there like that, and we've
essentially at this point now have gotten pretty well close to completing Brad Pitt.
I might add a little bit more detail to the eyebrows, kind of get in there a little bit,
might want to come in, brush up the eyes and call attention to them just a little bit more.
Because the eyes again, are the windows to the soul, they're the things that really sell.
But yeah, essentially, that would be a solid caricature of Brad Pitt right there. Maybe
draw some bags under his eyes a little bit, he's not completely perfect. Really calling
attention maybe to the jaw. That would be the Brad Pitt caricature. Now, Angie, she
has got a very interesting face as well. First thing obviously that you notice about her
are her eyes. She has got some amazing eyes. They are mesmerizing, aren't they? So we're
going to come in here and draw those, the lids, the lashes, come right in there and
really just get the eyes. Now the eyes are not going to be easy, no sir, especially eyes
like hers, and a lot of times these caricatures will end up looking just a little bit creepy,
because you're basically emphasizing these details that are just, you know, for the most
part, very, they're exaggerated big time. So it's like you look at it and it kind of
throws you for a second because it's like wow, that's like a little bit over the top,
don't you think? But then you're like no, because that is, you know, a pretty defining
characteristic I would say. Angie's eyes are defining, so we'll get in there and really,
I mean take your time, and really get the eyes looking exactly how you want. Get her,
give her some eyeliner, just kind of line the eyes with. Alright, now her eyebrows,
she's got some very interesting eyebrows. So I'd say we'd come in here and really give
them some arc, she's almost got some evil sort of a naturally evil like arc. Doesn't
she? And she doesn't look evil per se, but her eyebrows she's got a wicked sort of a
angular curve to them. Kind of a cute little button nose, we're not going to draw that
much attention to it, because it's pretty cute and small, so I'd say just kind of come
in and draw a little kind of cute button nose down there. It's all about exaggerating the
details. Now, one thing that is not small, she has got some lips. Now I'm going to ask
you to fight the urge, don't overdo this, this is going to basically be the part that
makes or breaks your Angelina Jolie drawing. Come in here and really take your time, because
this is by far, her most defining characteristic. Really study the way that it kind of sits
on her face. It's got the, the roundness and everything about it, get in there and really
emphasize every little bit of it that makes it unique. I'm going to bring it up into a
wicked smile, because she's always got kind of a wicked little smile going on. Yeah, and
the way to make her lips look full is to add sort of like, just a pouty nature of her lips.
Alright, now we'll come in her and do her cheekbones, leading up to her forehead, she's
got kind of a nice tall forehead I would say. Come on down here, I mean she's kind of starting
to look a little bit more wicked than I would normally make her, but, you know, that's another
thing about caricature. People need to learn to laugh at themselves a little bit, and I
think. She's got a very interesting jawline, and we're going to try and make it a little
bit more feminine than Brad's, but you can, you know, depending on what you like or not,
you know, do what you want. It is, I can tell you right now, it is not easy to do a caricature
of a woman and have her walk away feeling happy and satisfied. Unless she's got a good
sense of humor about herself, which you know, you hope these people do. But you never really
know honestly at the end of the day. So if you want to be a good Caricature Artist be
prepared to have a few unhappy customers. But really just learn to take in the details
of a person's face and find out what it is that makes them who they are. Angelina Jolie
has got plenty of defining characteristics and these are the things that you really want
to focus on when you're drawing her, or any other celebrities. So there you have it, Brad
Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
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