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Shaq Reflects on his Hall of Fame Career


Temat: Sport

Shaquille has come all the way up here
trying to finish that game.
Are you looking for me, right?
I’m taking some acting classes.
One of my main men and one of the biggest stars in Hollywood,
my co-host for today,
Shaquille Oneal!
How long have you had this house?
Big house
No that’s not what I’m saying.
It’s Ahmad, I’m looking for Shaq!
Ahmad is not here.
Can you believe
it’s been almost 20 years
since we first sat down and did this.
I want to do a favor first.
Let’s go back to the first day we met!
Roll it.
Give me your best, let me see – let me see
- let me see your best.
Is that all you've got?
Oh, man, you have always been serious about winning,
when you play on the court,
but so silly off the court.
So silly, so much fun,
what’s that all about?
You know, this is me.
I've always been a jokester.
And in College LSU a guy told me a big man couldn’t sell.
So right before I entered the NBA
I looked at all the top people which is Magic at the time,
and Jordan at the time and took a little bit of what they had
and added my own stuff into it,
stirred it into a pot and voila you get Shaq.
Throughout his career Shaq has been one of the games true show-man!
But the last few years have been anything but entertaining.
The once dominate big man has played more limited roles on teams
that fell short of expectations.
He was in search of a place
where he could return to glory!
And ironically,
it turned out to be Boston.
One thing that maybe you would of never thought this would of happened,
that you'll be playing for the Celtics.
No. Never.
Growing up, I hated the Celtics,
but the only big men out of the big men
to have a conversation with me,
was a Celtic
and that was Mr. Bill Russell.
We had great conversations,
so I’m glad to be here for my last two years.
Now, Bill Russell always told you
that every big man as his career goes on,
his numbers go down,
you have been the wheel,
the spoke of the wheel,
in so many places,
and now when you enter your last few years in this league,
how tough is it to deal with the fact that you’re numbers are down
and you’re playing more of a supportive role?
It’s not tough at all
because, you know, I can truthfully say
that the only player that has slowed me down is father-time.
I can deal with that at 38.
When I was younger I was CEO.
But now, I’m an older guy, so I look at myself as a consultant right now.
Even with these guys,
the veteran players you have here,
you still got to look up to,
you still provide some leadership on this team.
A little bit of leadership and, you know,
I think that good thing for us is we are all looking for the same thing.
Those guys have one and they want one more.
I have four and I want one more.
So everyone is on the same page.
I was a free-agent could of went anywhere,
but I want a 735 day program,
so I said to myself, hummm,
where do I want to go?
Where do I want to end my career?
And the Celtic franchise, a couple of pieces here and there and we’re close.
735 days and then you quit?
Probably... not quit,
time to do something else.
You retire from basketball?
Yeah, most likely yes.
Most likely yes
The first time was probably, the next time was most likely.
Mostly likely, yeah.
I knew coming in, there’s something you can’t do forever.
If you can do it forever then
Bird would still be here, Chief would still be here,
Ewen would still be here, Robertson still be here.
Like all those other great players,
Shaq is driven by the chance to taste that championship feeling.
And now, as he tries to help the Celtics to raise another banner,
he’s also thinking about his own place in history.
What would a Fifth championship mean to you?
Just closer to all the top names in the game.
No, nobody is ever gonna catch Mr. Russell (11),
Kream (6), Michael (6), Scotty (6), Magic (5) Colby (5).
Yeah, just a little closer to those names.
Still excited everyday to get up and go play basketball after all these years.
Yes. Yes
Same enthusiasm, just can’t wait to get to the gym.
Yes, cause in 735 days somebody at ESPN
is going to lose their slots.
Maybe Jim Rome, maybe Skip Bayless,
I’m retired, take two weeks off,
bom bom ba and then I’m coming,
I’m going to Connecticut, I'm going to L.A., New York,
somebody losing their hour slot!
After 19 years in the league Shaq, is still having fun
and one of the things he enjoys most is the nickname game.
He’s been known as the Diesel Shaq Daddy
and the Big Arostotle, just to name a few,
when he arrived in Boston he asked fans for ideas on a new nickname.
The list included the: Big Leprechaun, the Green Monster
and the Golly Green Giant, but in case you’re keeping score at home,
Shaq has decided on: “The Big Shamrock”.
I kind of like Golly Green Giant myself.
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