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President Obama Plays HORSE with CBS' Clark Kellogg


Temat: Sport

President Obama: Can I just say whoever on my staff decided it was a good idea
for me to play pig against a former All American --
Clark Kellogg: Oh, Mr. President, seemed like --
President Obama: -- doesn't seem like they were thinking things through.
Clark Kellogg: Ha-ha. I know you're a competitor.
President Obama: How are you doing, man?
Clark Kellogg: Oh, Mr. President, I'm doing terrific.
I'm a competitive guy by nature like you would love this challenge.
President Obama: I'm a competitive guy but not playing against Clark Kellogg.
I can out talk 'em.
Clark Kellogg: Does that mean you're still coming after my
job at some point?
President Obama: I'm still coming after your job.
Clark Kellogg: All right. Well, we'll see.
I thought if we played some out there, right?
President Obama: Okay. All right. Let's go.
Clark Kellogg: See what you got.
President Obama: What have we got, three right here?
Clark Kellogg: Yep.
President Obama: All right. You know I shoot under pressure.
Clark Kellogg: I know that! You handle pressure well.
Clark Kellogg: Okay, there's your first letter. That's your P.
President Obama: All right. I got P. I got P.
Clark Kellogg: All right, here's the pressure. He's knocking this one down.
President Obama: That's money.
Clark Kellogg: Boom! Whoa. I thought it was in the hole.
President Obama: All right, I got PO.
Clark Kellogg: So are you gonna get a chance to watch some of
the action this weekend, Mr. President?
Will you watch the Final Four?
President Obama: I will, I will definitely watch the games.
And if I get skunked --
Clark Kellogg: You're not gonna miss that one!
President Obama: -- then I guess you're going to have to keep
your job, aren't you?
Clark Kellogg: Yeah, I am going to keep my job.
Let me hear you talk about what the tournament,
what you have been able to see from the tournament so far this week?
President Obama: You know, this has been probably one of the most
balanced tournaments that we've seen.
Clark Kellogg: Yeah.
President Obama: And terrific excitement.
I mean, when you see, like, a northern Iowa --
Clark Kellogg: Yeah.
President Obama: -- pull off a game like they did against Kansas,
I think, yeah, that makes everybody invested in the tournament.
And that's what makes March Madness terrific.
I am going to come back right now!
Clark Kellogg: Are 'ya?
President Obama: Absolutely.
Clark Kellogg: Okay. All right. Go ahead.
President Obama: I'm going to start using some legs now.
Clark Kellogg: Okay. I'm going to go to glass from here.
President Obama: It's hurtin' me.
Clark Kellogg: Just a tad off!
Clark Kellogg: Look at the talent out front of that sweet stroke!
President Obama: See, I'm not gonna.
Clark Kellogg: This might be your one shining moment right there!
President Obama: Okay, let's see what you got. Come on!
I'm not going down easy.
I'm not going down easy.
Clark Kellogg: Nor am I!
President Obama: I mean, you know,
I've got a few other things on my mind.
Clark Kellogg: Ha-ha. I would say so!
President Obama: But I'm not just going to be humiliated on
national television.
Clark Kellogg: You're holding up well. Oh, ooh! Ooh!
President Obama: I'm not going to be humiliated --
Clark Kellogg: Uh-uh.
President Obama: -- on national television!
Clark Kellogg: I started him off.
President Obama: Let's see what you got.
Clark Kellogg: Bang!
President Obama: Yeah, I saw your foot was on the line,
but that's all right.
Clark Kellogg: Ha-ha.
When did you actually fall in love with this
game, Mr. President?
President Obama: You know, probably when I was ten years old, yeah.
Clark Kellogg: That's about when it happened for me.
President Obama: Yeah, yeah. And I just never got over it.
Even when I realized I wasn't going to be Clark Kellogg,
I still loved the game.
It's the quintessential team game.
Clark Kellogg: Yeah.
President Obama: So it teaches you how to, at a certain point,
get outside yourself and be part of something learning --
Clark Kellogg: That's right. That's right.
President Obama: Absolutely.
Clark Kellogg: My greatest moments were always coming out here by myself --
President Obama: Yeah.
Clark Kellogg: -- doing this. Shooting.
President Obama: Just shooting.
Clark Kellogg: Thinking about it.
Dreaming about being on the big stage and then trying to get
there through practice and hard work.
President Obama: And one of the things that Michelle has done a
wonderful job with is, and my wife's got this campaign called
"Let's Move."
Because part of what we're seeing is so many young people
now they're inside all the time, they're watching television.
Clark Kellogg: Yep, yep.
President Obama: They're playing video games.
But don't have that experience to just--oh, you know,
before I finish my thought, let me just point out it's P-O --
Clark Kellogg: Ha-ha. Boy, you're kick.
President Obama: -- to P-O to you, right?
Clark Kellogg: Yeah, that's right, yeah. We're --
President Obama: Okay. That's all right.
Clark Kellogg: There's got to be a kick comeback because --
oh, my goodness --
President Obama: Now, come on, come on!
Now don't tighten up playing against the President!
Clark Kellogg: Don't worry about it. Ooh!
Uh-oh, P-O-T-U to P-O-T?
President Obama: Now, if I came back, that would be a shame, wouldn't it?
Clark Kellogg: That would be a shining moment.
President Obama: Let's see what you've got now.
Clark, everybody's watching now!
Clark Kellogg: P-O-T. All right. One letter, here we go!
President Obama: We've both got T-U?
Clark Kellogg: Yeah, we've both got T-U.
President Obama: This could be it!
Clark Kellogg: This is money time right here, money time!
President Obama: Whap!
Clark Kellogg: Ooh!
They warned me about you talking a little bit when you got it going.
President Obama: Yeah, let's see what you've got.
Clark Kellogg: Ooh! Ooh!
Clark Kellogg: That's unbelievable.
I love that left-handed stroke.
President Obama: Can I just say, everybody, I guarantee you,
Clark missed a couple of those on purpose.
Clark Kellogg: You think so?
President Obama: But it was only because he didn't know he was
going to end up losing.
Clark Kellogg: Ha-ha.
President Obama: When he was up, he missed a couple just to give me a
break because he didn't want to embarrass his President.
Speaker: Big mistake.
President Obama: You can't give me that kind of room.
Clark Kellogg: Can't give him that kind of room! You handled it well.
President Obama: Thank you, sir.
Clark Kellogg: A pleasure. Thank you, very much.
President Obama: Appreciate it.
Clark Kellogg: Yeah, appreciate you as well!
President Obama: I had a great time tonight and look forward to watching
you on the Final Four. You'll do great.
Clark Kellogg: I'm looking forward to it. Thank you.
Thank you very much, Mr. President.
President Obama: All right. Harry?
Speaker: Great to see you.
Thank you, very, very much, for your time. Really appreciate this.
President Obama: Good. You can edit those shots in the very beginning.
Clark Kellogg: Ha-ha. We'll find a way to make it look just the way it is.
President Obama: All right, guys. Thank you, everybody.
Clark Kellogg: Thank you. Thank you.
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