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Vivek Kundra Keynote at the Cloud Computing Forum & Workshop


Temat: Nauka i technologia

[ Music then Applause ]
>>Good morning.
How's everyone doing?
All right, I've never seen so many people get excited
about developing standards [laughter] so this is great.
It's great to be here today.
I want to start with a story,
which is my first day at the White House.
I remember walking in and it felt like I had walked
into an environment that was 10 years behind technology.
And as many of you know, the president had to fight tooth
and nail to actually get a Blackberry.
And I remember my team,
unfortunately the way they got Blackberry's was actually
assigned on seniority, the number of years you'd been
in government and the square footage of your office.
[laughter] And we looked at that and said this makes no sense
if we're trying to drive change across the federal government
and leverage the power of technology
to transform the way the federal government works,
so it can serve the American people more effectively.
One of the biggest gaps in the federal government is a gap
in technology between the private sector
and the public sector.
Unfortunately, many of us have better technology
at home today than we do at work.
And frankly, what ends up happening is when we go home,
we have access to all sorts of platforms
and we're seeing innovation happening in the consumer space.
Whether it's the ability to go online and make a reservation
at your best restaurant on OpenTable or book a flight
in minutes on Expedia or Orbitz or any number of travel sites,
or the ability to go online and buy a book and have it
at your doorstep within a day.
Unfortunately when the American people interact
with their government, what ends up happening is they're forced
to deal in an environment where they go back 10, 15, 20 years.
And part of what we're trying to do here as we think
about cloud computing, if we step back
from the technology itself, is to solve a very basic
and fundamental problem.
As you look at the mission of the United States government
and the investments that we're making,
$76 billion plus is spent annually
on information technology, by the United States government.
We've got over 10,000 systems across multiple agencies,
and as Pat mentioned, duplicative infrastructure,
bureau after bureau, department after department, and we've got
over 300 million plus people that we serve on a daily basis,
from students in high schools that are applying
for student aid to go to college,
to veterans that are applying for benefits,
across the board what's happened is this gap continues
to grow bigger and bigger.
And of course we've got the 1.9 plus million federal employees.
And if you think about "Snowmageddon,"
that's when we realized how big this technology gap was,
when federal employees couldn't collaborate as a result of snow
because they were not armed with the appropriate technology tools
to be productive, anytime, anywhere.
And what we did in September of 2009, we began our journey
in terms of cloud computing.
I launched the strategy at the NASA Ames Research Center
and we've got Chris Kemp here, who is from NASA, and we talked
about the innovations that we could leverage across the board,
as far as cloud computing is concerned.
And NASA was leading the way with its implementation
of Nebula, a cloud computing platform within the government.
And what we wanted to be able to do was begin this journey
by being very pragmatic and also being very aggressive in terms
of closing this gap between innovation and technology
in the consumer space, the private sector,
and the public sector.
We also partnered very closely with state
and local governments.
I've been working very closely with Steve Fletcher
who is the head of NASCIO [National Association
of State CIOs] and the CIO of Utah, on making sure
that we're leveraging the public sector's buying power
and our ability to coordinate at the federal, state,
and local level, as we think about standards, whether they're
on security, data portability, and interoperability.
And what's exciting here is whether it's the way we're
structuring procurement vehicles,
making sure that states and local governments can buy off
of the vehicles that the federal government has,
or thinking about the specifications that we need
across the board, it's a partnership
at every level of government.
Today we're going to be releasing a report
on CIO.gov that's going to outline 30 case studies
that highlight the public sector's move towards cloud
computing, lessons learned, some of the challenges
that we've faced, but a march towards cloud computing,
nonetheless, where we're seeing very specific tangible benefits.
At the federal level, what we've been doing is we've also been
thinking about game-changing approaches as far
as how we move the federal government towards the cloud.
The data centers and the infrastructure investments
that have been made over the last decades unfortunately are
duplicative and they lead CIO's across agencies to focus purely
on infrastructure rather than thinking
about how they can deliver better services
to the American people.
So we've embarked on a data center consolidation strategy
where CIO's across the federal government are charged
with coming up with consolidation plans
that will be reflected in the fiscal year '11 and '12 budgets
as we move towards consolidation.
But also this is a huge opportunity for CIO's
across the federal government, to rethink how they're investing
in information technology.
What are the right candidates,
as far as applications are concerned, that can be moved
to the cloud without violating the privacy
of the American people
or compromising national security in any way?
That work is well underway
and the federal CIO Council is focused on making sure
that we're unearthing the opportunities
as we move towards the cloud computing platform.
The other important work that's happening
within the federal government is that we need to make sure
that we've got the right economic model
for cloud computing.
Unfortunately, the old model required vendors
to certify their products with every single agency.
Imagine having to certify your product
through hundreds of agencies.
Well you're gonna lose your economic benefits,
both from the vendor side and also
from the public sector's side.
So part of what we're doing with the FedRAMP [Federal Risk
and Authorization Management Program] program,
is we're making sure that as we think
about cloud computing solutions,
that we're centrally certifying these solutions
so that agency A can leverage agency B's certification
so that we create cross-government platforms
and that we actually realize, not just the savings
but also the value, much faster
and that we'll also accelerate the adoption towards
cloud computing.
But what's really important today, as Pat mentioned,
is an area around security,
interoperability and data portability.
We're at the very, very beginning of this journey
and where we need your help is to make sure
that you're collaborating and working with us as we think
about the standards in this space.
Because cloud computing is going to be a platform
for innovation as we move forward.
And what I want to do here is actually jump into some
of the case studies that we've highlighted
in the report that's gonna be on CIO.gov.
So if you think about it from a business perspective,
the SEC moved to Salesforce when it came to thinking
about the volume of responses, it was getting 90,000 people,
[they] go to the SEC and they complain on an annual basis
about transactions that are being conducted.
And in its role the SEC unfortunately had 10-year-old
technology and wasn't really able to serve the public,
consistent with its mission.
By moving to Salesforce.com, what the SEC was able
to do was cut the time it took to actually process cases,
from 30 days to 7 days.
It was also able to move away from a model
where you had an inefficient distributed headquarters model
where you're moving around paper, to a single platform
where SEC officers could track cases and complaints
across the board, upload documents, share them centrally
and keep track of what's going on.
And acquiring, I mean you have these old antiquated systems
across the federal government, it was taking up to 10 seconds
as they were going from keystroke
to keystroke in the old world.
And now they're able to do it close to real time.
As we look at the Recovery Board,
Recovery.gov moved this week to the Amazon cloud.
And one of the reasons they moved to the Amazon cloud was
because it wanted to make sure that it could use as much
of the capital it has to focus on its mission, which was to go
after identifying fraud, waste, and abuse and making sure
that that money was being used to achieve its mission rather
than spending that money on more hardware, more servers
and building yet another datacenter.
Now what's interesting about the Recovery Board is
that it's the first government-wide system
to move to the cloud.
It cuts horizontally every single department
in the U.S. government and it also cuts vertically
at the state and local level.
Today we also moved USAspending.gov
to the Nebula cloud, which is a NASA cloud.
And that also is a government-wide system
which cuts horizontally and vertically.
If you look at the state of Utah, under the leadership
of Steve Fletcher, it's moving toward a model
where they're leveraging both private clouds
and private sector, or leveraging consumer clouds,
to make sure that they're focusing heavily on saving money
from the challenges that they face as far
as the budget is concerned.
So they're gonna be able to, and they're 70 percent
of the way through, by the way, they're gonna be able to go
from 1800 physical servers that they're responsible for managing
and running and operating, to 400 virtual servers.
And Steve Fletcher and his team are projecting $4 million
in annual savings out of a $140-million budget.
But what's really interesting here is
at the state level what they're also doing is they're providing
these services to local governments.
Now in the state of Utah, you're able to leverage
across the board, a platform at the state, local level.
Imagine the possibilities at the federal level as we think
about departments and agencies.
You look at a department like HHS [Health and Human Services]
with CMS [Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services], CDC [Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention], FDA [Food
and Drug Administration],
a number of these bureaus being able
to leverage potentially common platforms across the board.
Look at what's happening in Los Angeles,
which moved to Google Apps.
Randi Levin the CIO there, one of the chief reasons for them
to move there wasn't just cost savings
but additional functionality.
The ability to move from an antiquated email system
to a platform that would allow them to collaborate via video,
instant messaging, the ability to multiply storage by 25X
and redundancy by geographically dispersing the information
across the board and of course the built-in innovation
that happens, instead of having to upgrade on an annual cycle,
literally iterative upgrades built
into the products themselves.
Across the federal government you're seeing opportunities
as far as cloud computing is concerned.
At HHS, they have leveraged Salesforce as they are looking
for the 2,000 plus users that are going to be focused
on electronic health records implementation,
a community of users nationally in six weeks, rather than going
through years of development and planning.
They will provide service immediately.
At the Department of Interior it's underway,
consolidating multiple email systems with 80,000 users
and they're moving towards an RFP [request
for proposal] process that's gonna move towards a cloud
and leverage the cloud computing model.
I remember the secretary told me, when he first came
to the Department of Interior,
he couldn't send email to all his employees.
And the reason was because they had all these systems
that didn't talk to each other.
And they're spending a fortune and they had a ridiculous ratio
of employees to servers, it was something like 6 to 1.
Across the board we're seeing a movement in that space.
Of course NASA ended up halting a procurement
that could be worth up to $1.5 billion
to move towards a cloud-first policy
so they can reevaluate the future of computing at NASA.
What we're seeing in terms
of a momentum towards cloud computing, it's real.
It's here.
It's part of the policy framework
of this administration.
We want to make sure that we're doing this
in a very responsible, methodical way and we need
to make sure the work that happens here today,
the call to action is that we want you to join us
so we can collaboratively develop the next set
of standards to protect the privacy of the American people
to make sure that we address issues around security,
to make sure that interoperability is addressed
so what we're not doing is simply "webifying" our brick
and mortar infrastructure in a cloud infrastructure.
To make sure that data portability,
allowing the buyside, the customer, to choose when to move
from vendor A to vendor B, is preserved.
That's really, really important work.
In this community, all
of you can help accelerate cloud adoption
by focusing on standards.
And the journey into the cloud computing
and the standards activity begins today in the same way
that we launched the initiative
at the NASA Ames Research Center last September.
So let's roll up our sleeves and start developing some standards.
I want to thank Pat and Don
and the countless people I've missed, who've been hard
at this issue for many, many months and they've burned many,
many hours but I think it's time now for the community
to come together and we look to you to help us as we try
to transform the federal government to make sure
that we're delivering the best services we can
to the American people.
Thank you very much.
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