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Google I/O 2010 - Scripting Google Apps for business


Temat: Media

Hello, and good afternoon.
My name is Evin Levey.
I'm a Product Manager at Google for Google Apps script and
today we're going to be talking about scripting Google Apps for
business process automation.
And we're going to do a live wave of this talk, same as
all the others and this is the bit.ly link.
I should point out that that's a three O 4D, and you can save
yourselves 20 minutes trying to figure out why the link
doesn't work if you know that's the capital O.
So, maybe I'd ask for quick show of hands.
Anyone can tell me if they've used Apps Script before?
OK, so quite a few people and folks maybe who don't know what
Apps Script is, if you can -- OK, only one or
two, that's good.
All right, so Google Apps Script is really about
business process automation.
That's what we're going to talk about today.
It customizes and extends Google Apps, and really its a
Cloud scripting language and so all code runs server side.
And that can be a little bit confusing for some, because its
actually Javascript that we're using as a language, but it
runs on Google servers, and there's nothing happening
in your browser.
So, the agenda for today.
First off, we're going to talk about the Book of Bob.
We're going to make introductions.
We're going to talk about the fundamentals of App Scripts and
we're going to talk about events and interoperability
with non-Google services, a custom UI generation and
stand-alone script invocation.
And, then after talking about the Book of Bob, we have a
special guest from Motorola, Stephanie Anthony, who's going
to tell us about their portfolio on Google tool.
Motorola's Pogo.
So, let's get started with introductions.
This is ACME Corp.
It's a small company, pretty fast paced.
Everybody works 80 hours a week.
All very demanding and high maintenance people.
And, this is Bob.
Bob's the help desk.
And Bob's responsibility is to keep everybody
at ACME Corp happy.
And, as a result, he's not happy.
He spends his time acting as a gopher and a handyman, doing
all the grunt work for everybody else at the company.
So Bob started out with a spreadsheet.
And you can see Bob's spreadsheet is very
well-organized, its all color coded, and very
easy for him to decipher.
But, it does take a lot of maintenance to keep such
a task list up to date.
That's pretty significant overhead in keeping
on top of his tasks.
Bob started to automate his spreadsheet by adding this
great little feature from Google forms.
Has everybody used the Google forms before?
OK, about half the people.
Does anybody not know what they are?
OK, so, Google forms: When you're in a spreadsheet, you're
able to set up a very simple form designer and you can
publish it on your URL, so that when anybody comes along that
to that URL, and enters text, and hits submit, it goes
straight into your spreadsheet.
So, its a nice labor saving device for Bob.
Instead of answering telephone calls and transcribing emails
and putting everything into the spreadsheet, he just
directs people to the form.
They type in their data hit submit, and it appears
in his spreadsheet.
So it's very good and as far as it goes, but it
doesn't go far enough.
And Apps Scripts can help.
It can help take some of the busy work out of
his day to day chores.
So, with App Script, Bob has been able to add a special
menu to spreadsheet, called Bob's menu.
And from there, he is able to send status emails, schedule
appointments, and even and even push articles to Google's
sites knowledge base.
So, at this stage, we're really talking about the
fundamentals of Apps Scripts.
Let's walk through a couple of those examples, starting
with sending an email.
So, we've got some Javascript on the screen.
And, the first little block defines a few custom menus.
And we're saying, when the spreadsheet opens, let's set up
two menus, one to send a status email, and one to schedule an
appointment and then the bottom function is the email
sending function.
Very briefly, we reach into the spreadsheet.
We pull out whatever row has been selected and from that, we
constructed an email to inform the user the status of
the of their query.
So, we've got a little demo this operation.
So, we highlight the row that's of interest.
Bob highlights the row that's of interest, chooses his menu,
sends the status email, and then if we flip over to the
Gmail account of the user, you see that they get an email from
Bob, that tells them that their issue has been updated.
A nice little labor-saving trick.
And now we have a second example.
Very similar, and this one simply figures out the next
free slot for Bob to meet with the person having a problem and
books the event on both people's calendars.
And, so poor Wayne has a problem with his hard disk.
Bob needs to stop by and take a look.
And our little script runs.
The status gets updated, and you'll see that if we refresh
the calendar, both Bob and Wayne now have an event
scheduled at a time that's convenient to both of them.
This type of thing saves Bob a few keystrokes, a few clicks, a
few minutes every time he updates the status
of the ticket.
He can send an email very quickly and every time he needs
to meet with somebody, he does not have to open up the
calendar, and hunt around for an appropriate time.
He's saving a few minutes every time he does this.
Maybe adding up to 30 minutes a day, several hours a month for
an upfront investment of an a couple hours of Javascript.
So its a pretty good deal.
Bob gets a lot more productive.
Well, really there is a lot more we can do.
Instead of Bob having to actively choose to do these
things, maybe we can automate it all a little bit more.
This is why we're going to talk about events.
Events system allows you to run a script in response to an
event that happens or a trigger, and function that we
run is known as an event handler, So, here,
we've got an on edit.
Every time Bob edits the spreadsheet, we're going to do
some trickery with the colors and update the status
of the issues.
So, its a very simple demo.
A lot better when you see it in action.
As Bob changes his status row, you'll see that the color
coding on his spreadsheet changes automatically.
This makes it easy to keep his spreadheet legible, and up to
date without continually having to reformat.
So event handlers.
App Script has two different types of event handlers.
The first type is a simple event handler that is
automatically run in response to actions happening
on the spreadsheet.
The name of the function associates it with an event.
So, on open is run when the spreadsheet is opened.
On edit is run when the spreadsheet is
edited, and so forth.
These simple event handlers run in a very tight
security sandbox.
They're not allowed to do anything too crazy.
They can access the spreadsheet.
They can color code things, but they're able to create menus,
for example, but they're not allowed to look at
anybody's private data.
The second type of event handler is new.
We're introducing it today.
And it's an installable event handler.
This type of handler must be explicitly installed and
it's a lot more functional.
So it can do things like send emails and access calendars.
So, these installable event handlers.
There's a small, but growing selection of events
that we can capture.
Similar to the simple ones, there's on edit and and on
open, but we've also added on form submit, so when
someone submits, -- I see cheers in the back.
This is the number-one feature requests on our form, so we're
really happy to push it out.
It went out about two hours ago-- so when somebody submits
the form it goes into the spreadsheet and then we can do
some processing with our script and send out an email, for
example, or do something with the information.
And we also have clock events, so you can schedule a script to
run an hourly, daily, weekly or what not.
So let's have a look at how we do this.
From our script editor, we select triggers.
There's nothing set up yet, and so, in this case, we are going
to run form submit reply function in response to an
event from the spreadsheet, and that's the on form
submit event.
So we save it.
We go back into our spreadsheet form, we type in as a user
would, some kind of complaint about a broken
[? mass wheel ?].
And, when this gets submitted, this script runs in the
background, and immediately, we can switch back to email.
And you see that the script update.
It's actually counted how many issues are ahead of this
particular person, and it's able to say there are 15 active
tickets ahead of you, so you will be waiting a while.
This means that Bob can be very productive
even when he's in bed.
It's 11:00 a.m.
Bob hasn't gotten up yet but, everybody at ACME Corp is
getting these emails telling them where they are in
the queue and they're all very impressed.
Bob's system is getting pretty awesome.
We've got forms coming in, emails going out
automatically and a bunch of shortcuts in the menu.
Bob gets a promotion.
He's still in bed, by the way, so he doesn't know he's got the
promotion, but when he gets to work, he'll hear all about it.
That's great.
It takes us a little bit further.
Bob has cut out a lot of busy work, but ACME Corp is growing
and they're getting very big.
They've brought in a lot of rules.
There's all kinds of spending limits and managerial
approval required.
Now days, Bob is spending half his time on Amazon purchasing
new keyboards and mice and chairs and monitors.
The other half his time is trying to track down manager's
approval for such items.
So he really needs something a little bit more integrated into
his existing systems that aren't part of Google.
So, we're going to talk a little about that
interoperability with non native services or
non-Google services.
I know this is pretty intimidating.
There is a lot of code up there.
The first one is Soap and XML.
Soap and XML are the protocols of web services.
So, in order to talk to anything outside of Google,
we're able to the leverage these and make calls
too nice services like Amazon, for example.
So, I'll run through this code very briefly.
The first few lines connect to Amazon, and then we get a
little security header that Amazon has, that has a special
key that Amazon will give out to anybody, free of charge.
And then the big block in the middle really just says that
we're going to request a key word search across
all of Amazon.
And, then we grab the results.
At the very end, we'll see that we collect the name and price
and maybe some other details.
So not really all that much code, and we get something
pretty nice like this.
Custom spreadsheet function that can find on Amazon.
And it really does run that fast.
It's pretty sweet.
We're also introducing JDBC today.
This was released, again, just a few hours ago.
And this means that as well as talking to Amazon, Bob can
automatically add things to his cart, and purchase them.
He can also talk to his own back end data stores.
And he can find out, for example, in the query who
someone's manager is.
So, he can then ask that person for spending approval.
We don't have a flashy demo of JDBC today.
We do have some great demos on our web site where we integrate
with Amazon web services.
They have a very nice my sequel database in the Cloud, called
I'd urge everybody to play with Apps Script integrating
with my sequel on Amazon.
It works very well.
Bob's system has gotten pretty awesome.
We have the forms coming in, the shortcuts going out.
All the short cuts in the menu integration with Amazon.
Both as a backend database provider, and as a shopping
cart order system.
So, it's working very well.
Bob thinks this is wonderful, but really there's
something missing.
We've got all this great power and our users are still using
this pretty primitive and static interface.
Bob has to figure out what their text means and go off and
use his shortcuts to do all this extra look up work.
So today we're also going to talk about customize
user interface, user experience for scripts.
This is new and again released just a few hours ago.
We're now able to build graphical user interfaces
inside scripts.
So, Bob's menu has a new item, Show UI.
And, we've got the little ACME Corp.
Help desk form.
We've got the JDBC query running in to find out who's
loaded the form, who their manager is, their location,
the phone numbers, the spending limits.
And, they're able to now submit their problems with their
mice, in the same way as they could on the static form.
So, a couple hundred lines of Javascript later, and we've
replicated the wonderful Google spreadsheet forms.
We're not really leveraging the power of a dynamic UI.
We are able to tell the user that they need spending
approval, and we are able to put things into
the spreadsheet.
But we really need to extend the capabilities and do
something more interesting.
So let's try something else.
Let's give it a second option.
Instead of reporting a problem, let's try ordering stuff.
We know that John needs a mouse, so we do our query, and
we'll see that we pull back our results from Amazon including a
picture and we decide we want a nice Apple Magic mouse.
We submit the request, and now because we've got this JDBC
backend , we know that John doesn't have the spending power
to buy a mouse for $69.99.
It's going to need to get approval from his manager.
So this is great as far as it goes.
But I think the eagle-eyed among you will have noticed
that we're still running inside a spreadsheet.
And Bob doesn't want people coming into his spreadsheet
to raise these forms.
They'll just mess with his nice color coding
and his formatting.
So, again, today we're releasing another new feature.
Stand alone script invocation.
Inside our script editor, we're able to publish the service
and add to our domain.
Now this is a Google Apps Premier feature only today.
And what we'll allow you to do is run it yourself, share the
service with yourself or share the service with people
on your domain.
It's not available to regular Gmail users today.
So, now if
we put all these pieces together.
Let's have a look at Bob's system running from
start to finish.
First, we publish the URL.
Bob distributes this on the help desk page, or makes sure
that it's in everybody's browsers bookmarks.
Then John comes back to the help desk, via the
bookmark in this browser.
He knows immediately that he's ordering something new, a
keyboard, runs the query great.
I'll take a Logitech keyboard, but looking on the list, John
also decides that he'd like a nice Cascio keyboard, and he
decides to chance his arm, and see if it'll get
through approval.
We pop up a little message saying he's had approval.
We go to the manager's email, and the manager gets a nicely
formatted message, saying, hey John wants to buy a
couple keyboards.
Manager does a bit of a double take, isn't quite sure what
to make of this, says, no.
We won't be having that.
Gets that nice little message reinforcing the good
approval behavior.
Bob comes back to the spreadsheet later on, hasn't
been involved in the process up to this point and the
spreadsheet tells him that John requested two keyboards, the
manager approved one rejected the other, and the script has
gone off and already placed the order with Amazon.
So this is the basics of a work flow spending approval system.
I hope we've outlined reasonably well how you can put
these pieces together for business process automation.
Now, Bob's little story is very nice, but we've also got
Stephanie Anthony from Motorola who's been using Apps Script
for the last six months and she's going to tell you about
their progress and how their processes have being automated
in a more real world setting.
STEPHANIE ANTHONY: I am Stephanie Anthony
from Motorola.
We deployed Gmail last year for mobile devices, and right after
that, we started looking at the power of Google Apps to
replace some IT Tools.
Everybody knows docs and sites are great for collaborating
and getting internet sites up and running.
But, we saw a lot of power with Apps Script to actually
replaced expensive tools.
So the first area of opportunity we looked at
was our IT project and portfolio management tool.
When we looked further, we found that our costs, annually,
were approaching $1 million, so we decided to see what we
could do with Apps Script.
And based on the results, we're now looking to
replace other tools.
We called the tool, Pogo, or Portfolo on Google.
From a functional point of view, it's got proposal
data, which is like you're pre-project data.
This is standard proftolio management.
It's the stuff to authorize before you
create a project.
We've got budget forecasts.
And staffing forecast.
Project data.
To get from a proposal to project, you, of course, have
to go through portfolio governance, the
standards stuff.
There's approvals.
The portfolio manager creates a project, the project has
different fields, carries over some data, but of, course,
there's different.
Budget forecast and actuals for the project.
We've got staffing forecasts.
Then we have named resource assignment, in management.
Which means, that we know what people, by name are working on
which projects or proposals during which months, so we
can see our resources.
And in terms of reporting, we focused on, up at the top, the
project dashboards for help and key data.
We've got our target spend versus approved and
unapproved spent.
For resource management, its the standard stuff and all the
tools, what resources are requested by month, allocated
by month, compare that against our capacity.
We've got research allocation percentages.
All the research managers just love to see.
And then in terms of individual project reporting, we've got
milestone completions, requirements volatility
and post release defects.
Then we roll up projects stuff to the organization level,
because we have to report these matrix in our
organizatin level.
We also have the work breakdown structure instead of
Google Apps in the docs.
And it was definately possible, we had it there last year.
But the users just wanted to use their own desk top tools,
so we gave in on that for now.
Also we had issues risks, decisions and action
items inside this tool.
And we piloted it with one of our major programs at Motorola.
What we found though, once we started showing them Googles
Apps, they're like, what we need is team calendar, and we
need these collaboration documents and, oh, shouldn't
we have our own Google site.
So, for that program, we ended up making its own Google site
with shared calendars, and all the different documents, and
then we had issue, risk, action and decision trackers we put in
there and we put standard scripts in there.
Scripts to email you for overdue issues,
overdue action items.
We've got things that inside the spreadsheet checks for
invalid data, and ID's, just different functions.
And so we made a standard set of spreadsheet and site and
we're giving that to the program.
So we're saying, here's your standard set, go ahead
and customize it.
As you know, every program is different.
They need some different field.
We really couldn't say, everybody these are your
issue fields, because everybody's different.
So we're deploying this in August of this year.
Right now, its a prototype mode.
It's called Pogo, or Portfolio on Google.
There's the little android guy jumping on a pogo stick.
This is a flash gadget that we have.
And then over here, our proposal date is also
done through gadgets.
I'm sure everybody here has made a spreadsheet form;
takes five minutes, its not a big deal.
But the reason that we needed to put the form in a gadget
until his user interface came out is that we wanted the users
to be able to edit in the form, as well as do data entry.
Because right now, if you use spread sheet forms,
you know it's all nice.
You've got all these different field values, all these
different drop downs and then, when they go to edit it there
in a spread sheet, they type whatever in there and
you've got a mess.
Also, we wanted to hide things like the proposal ID, which
carries with the proposal through life cycle, and
different formulas.
So, we needed to use gadget.
So this gadget and this a proposal that exists.
I found it by number, already in our exist tool.
Everything has numbers, so follows the proposal through
the life cycle, and I can change a value in
the drop downs.
This goes to a temporary spreadsheet, then there's a
trigger that runs, it moves it from the temporary spreadsheet
to the master if the data is qualified to move.
So we recently got triggers, about two weeks ago,
and they're great.
Because, up until this point, we actually had a button that
users had to push to kick off Apps Script, which is
completely annoying.
Now, they can stay in the form.
We've got these triggers running, with these temp
tables, and we're able to control the data that
goes to the master.
So, from a process point of view they did a proposal entry.
There's also portfolio data which is locked down for just
the portfolio managers.
The portfolio managers go through their portfolio
governance boards.
It becomes a project.
At the same time, we also have budget and staffing
forecasts over here.
The project form's similar this.
Different data.
Some of it carries over.
But what people always want to know is how we're doing
named resource management.
So, we could have people enter their research
requests in a form.
But we have large projects in Motorola, and so you can't
ask someone in enter a form entry 50 times.
They just aren't going to do it.
So we have a spreadsheet.
It is a spreadsheet, but the users are actually
happy about this.
They enter very little data.
They enter, like the user's name that they want,
the project number.
And, then the spreadsheet Apps script goes and pulls all the
other data from the master.
Because we've got user masters and project masters and it
pulls all the data back.
It validates all the information they put in.
Like you can't request a person to work more than full-time on
a project, that kind of validation.
Then, once its been validated, they push another button and it
sends it to the resource request master.
Then, once a day, the resource manager get an email like this.
So, with resource management, anybody who has a resource
management tool, the resource managers, its not just one
person, there's usually there's a backup.
So, my boss forwarded me this.
So him and his back up got this email.
It's requesting resources to work on a project,
straight to their Gmail.
Here's my name, here's the project number, here's the
project name, here's a little note about why they want me to
work on this, then how much time they want from me.
FTE, if you aren't familiar with resource management is
full-time equivalent, so one is one man month.
So, basically in June, they want me to work 75% on
this project, July 50%, August, 50, and so on.
My manager can click, and see all commitments for resource,
and that will show him everything else that I'm
already committed to.
Its a list view that's pre-filtered.
Down below, you can see there's another person also that he can
approve down here for different projects.
So, what happens is all the outstanding resources requests
that haven't been approved or rejected show up in the email.
So, let's say he ignores this today, tomorrow these will be
back in with any additional ones.
So, we think this will actually help us, because besides the
expensive tool we have now, we've actually had other
expensive project management tools.
And our main problem is the data integrity.
We can have the fanciest tool in the world, but if people
won't update the data that's a big problem.
With resource management you've got all these people.
They don't want to log into a tool.
They don't care.
So we're thinking with the email, they're going to get
their data in, and it will be a lot easier for them.
And we're actually thinking that they won't even realize
that they're in Pogo or using Google Apps, because to
approve, all you do is click this button here, and
it's pre- filled out.
There's the project, there's the person.
So if I press submit here, what happens is it goes to temporary
spreadsheet, then there's a wonderful trigger that goes and
runs Apps Script, and if it the data goes into the master,
it will approve it.
In this case, I'm not authorized to approve myself
to work on this project.
So while this is going to submit, I am not actually going
to be assigned to the project.
It's going to take my manager or his backup to push the
button before it will actually be approved.
So there's some security there.
So what's the point of all this resource request?
Its that you want to get resource data
for decision making.
So resource pulls like a group.
It's like a team.
This is also a gadget, also running on a timer.
Right now, all of our timed triggers are running for every
minute, because we haven't really done load testing.
We're planning to do load testing over the next
month, and we're planning to deploy in August.
So everything's running on a minute.
Obviously, you don't need to update charts every minute.
So this will probably be moved to more of a five-minute thing.
We have triggers that update charts.
We have triggers that send emails.
We have triggers that are moving the data from
one table to another.
And, what's really funny, our very expensive tools we have
today actually have a bunch of schedule jobs that runs scripts
to update the resource and the budget data.
So, it's very similar.
So what this chart means, is in February, you can see about 3
1/2 FTE or people, full-time equivilant working on proects.
Then it spikes up in April and May gets to about 4
1/2 and then it dies off.
So, let's say my capacity is four people in this group.
I can see that I've actually over allocated my team in April
and May, but we had a lot of capacity coming up towards
the end of summer.
So it can help me with my decision making in terms
of what am I going to do with my resources.
What can I commit them to?
Then, at least at Motorola, everybody has to have
everything in Excel for their pivot tables and
all their analysis.
So on all of our charts, we have an option here
to export the data.
CSV opens it up in Excel.
They can do whatever they want with it.
This is actually also another advantage over
our current tool.
Because we have such a fancy tool right now, we export the
data from our fancy tool to a data mart inside of
Motorola, twice per day.
We've got people watching those extracts.
We've got people watching those loads.
We've got support people all along that whole chain trying
to get that data into our data into our data mart.
Plus, when you are trying to make a decision, you could be
making a decision on data that's 11, 12 hours old.
And that's just a fact because of what we have today.
But with Google, all this data's real time.
They can get all the data whatever they want, so they
can make real time decisions.
We'll let everybody see all the data.
As far as updating the data, we do have the lock down, like
with the portfolio managers and research approval.
But everybody can see it so, its open.
In terms of project data, they need to see their project
dashboards, and see what's going with the different
projects, so this is really easy with the spreadsheet
functions in Apps Script, whole different data together for
different dashboards that managers want to see.
Down here, we used to have automated help.
Automated help is actually an easy thing to turn on.
You had different matrix.
Based on the threshold of the matrix, you can make the
you can make the colors red, green, or yellow.
So, you can decide if a project has gone red, green or yellow.
So we had that on, but then the project manager said, no they
wanted to set the colors themselves, so we're back to
letting them set the colors of red, green or yellow.
We do have automated matrix though, so we didn't
turn those off.
We have the triggers that go out and we're already
capturing this data.
We've got budget, actuals versus plan.
See this project's 93% on budget.
Resources committed versus plan.
Milestone completion.
Requirements volatility. post-release defects.
All the information that the project managers want to see.
And then they can report up to their management.
So we went into this just to see what could be done.
This is not anybody's full time job.
We've been working on this since August, like a
couple hours a week.
August, because that's Apps Script came out.
Then what's really exciting about Apps Script is things
just keep getting better and better, like the triggers that
just came out two weeks ago.
It's really been exciting to see all that change.
We've been working with the team, prototyping this,
demoing it at Motorola.
Different people are on it.
And what's cool, is that now people are actually asking
for this not because it's cheaper, but because it's
better in some ways.
Especially the integration with email, the real time data.
So there's actually demand for it not just
because it's cheaper.
So thanks to the Apps Script, we're able to deploy a light
weight application without all the overhead of
a packaged tool.
EVIN LEVEY: Thank you very much Stephanie.
So you can see that we have Bob and his little use case and
building up the help desk system around a spreadsheet
from scratch incremental evolutionary, and then we have
Stephanie at Motorola who's replacing at one million
dollar-a-year system with Apps Script and Google Apps.
So, it's a pretty compelling story, I think.
So, let's maybe do a summary of what we've covered today.
Apps Script talks to Google products and its done that
for a long time, and that's what it's all about.
It's the glue that lets our products talk to one another.
Apps Script talks to Soap, Rest, the language of the web,
and now it talks to JDBC, my sequel today, and Oracle and
MSSQL are coming very shortly.
And Apps
Script talks to users.
We have a fully capable UI stack now exposed
again just today.
Motorola is saving over a million dollars per year
by using this stack.
So, we announced a lot of new capabilities in
Apps Script today and some blog posts on Monday, and we've got
the new installable event handlers.
They allow you to run scripts based on events that happen
inside spreadsheets or based on clock events, particular times
of the day, particular days of the week and what not.
We've got new JDBC interoperability.
We can talk to my sequel where ever it may be.
Amazon already acts in the Cloud or your
own hosted solution.
And, we've got the new Apps script UI, and
stand alone invocation.
Stand alone invocation, while it may seem like a footnote, it
is really the thing that allows us to bust out of the
spreadsheet jail, and so it's taking App Script from being an
embedded language to being something that's much more
stand alone and fully capable for users.
And there's a little bit more that we haven't covered today,
and a few more announcements.
We have a new documents lists capability.
We can read files from your Google Docs list and you can
create and modify files too, but that's a Googles Apps only
feature, so consumer users on Gmail won't get
that one just yet.
We've got a new maps API.
This is kind of cute and maybe not immediately relevant to the
enterprise, but you can create maps, get directions, do some
limited geocoding and elevation.
And in two weeks -- we don't usually pre-announce -- but in
two weeks, we'll have Google documents extensions so you'll
be able to script our new document editor
using Apps Script.
Not the existing one, but the new one that we announced
back on April 12.
I think most of you will be able to access
that in preview mode.
We also have a few more pre-announcements just to give
you a sense where Apps Script is going over the next
three to six months.
In Q3, we're going to launch Apps Script in sites.
Today, as we've mentioned several times, Apps Script
really lives inside spreadsheets and we're excited
to be able to publish scripts as services.
Going forward, Apps Scripts will also live inside Google
sites and inside the new document editor.
We've even got a screen shot of Apps Script inside sites.
You'll be able manage your scripts in there, throughout
the script editor and also catch events from Google sites
like the same way you can from spreadsheets today.
So I'd urge you all to try Apps Script.
And we have Google short link for Apps Script.
And our regular URL is long and unwieldy, so
definitely give it a go.
I urge you to try it.
And, we're very responsive to feedback, so if you've got any
comments or questions, please do hit our user support form.
We're looking forward to hearing from you.
OK, so maybe we'll stop there in, and go for questions.
I'm with with MWP.
I'm a user of Google Apps Premier Edition.
And, in your slides, it talked about publishing something to a
knowledge base, and you didn't show that in your demo.
Could you talk about that?
EVIN LEVEY: didn't understand the question part.
AUDIENCE: In your slides, you showed that there was an option
on the menu to publish from the help desk to a knowledge base.
I don't think you showed that part.
You showed pushing an email you showed the other things,
but you didn't show that.
EVIN LEVEY: That's right.
We will publish that as a code example.
We skipped over it, it was an example, but
it's very easy to do.
Apps Script can talk natively to Google sites and so there's
very nice API where you can create a page and
push data in it.
And so we will release all the code for the demonstration
today and I'll make sure that we include the site's example.
It just seemed to be a little repetitive once you've
seen the others.
AUDIENCE: We work with the spreadsheet data API.
We just recently started integrating with that.
We wanted to have certain things automated based
on data we push in.
Will Apps Scripts run on editor whatever from the API?
EVIN LEVEY: a very good question.
I would imagine not.
It probably does not.
I think you have to be a live user, using the spreadsheet
or an on form submit event accessing through the data API.
I think is a non user operation.
AUDIENCE: OK, I know the Apps market place was
just recently released.
The Apps domains can have installed Apps and we would
like to be able to inter operate like that.
EVIN LEVEY: Yeah, absolutely.
I think Apps Script is certainly that one of the
pieces that you can building into your manifest for
the Apps marketplace.
And so, I think that you will be able have that
functionality in the future.
AUDIENCE: Yes, will you be bringing some of the app engine
features and capabilities closer to Apps Script?
Will they work together in the future?
So, for example, in business app they talked about sequel
data base as a part of app engine.
Maybe its service indication.
Is there any thoughts on making App Script work in a more
unified manner with app engine?
EVIN LEVEY: Yes, you can absolutely call app engine from
app script today and there's full interoperability today.
We didn't cover that in the talk today.
It's something we've had for over a year.
And, in terms of database services, certainly we're
always looking for more database providers.
We understand its a very important component for you.
And so JDBC is obviously our first step in that direction.
AUDIENCE: Do you know has anyone been using this
to create scrum tools?
EVIN LEVEY: Yes Absolutely.
I think that at Google, we're well-known for
eating our own dog food.
Our engineering director in New York City, where the Apps
Script team is based, and a lot of the Apps products
are developed.
It actually has a full tracking system built in Apps Script.
And it's caught on pretty well.
All of our teams at Google use it.
AUDIENCE: Are those available?
EVIN LEVEY: I'll ask him.
I think it would be a great example to post
on our templates page.
AUDIENCE: Thanks very much.
Are there any limitations for any of the examples you have
been showing to provide notifications or work flow
outside of the domain?
So, conceivably as the Google Apps reseller or the individual
that's acting as help desk for numerous domains, that these
types of applications could be deployed for that purpose?
EVIN LEVEY: That's a really good question.
I know that there's a lot of complex areas that arise in the
world business situations.
We've been working with partners to address those.
I think that in most cases, everything just worked
the way we showed it working here today.
There are few interesting security implications for some
of the things that we've shown.
The primary one is stand alone script invocation.
So, where publish your script as a service, and you can
distribute the URL and people hit the URL and your
script gets run.
We've been very cautious with that one to date and that's why
we're only allowing it to run for that logged in user, or for
users on that Apps domain.
So, I think that would not work in your scenario, but we're
figuring the right way to roll it out across the domain and
potentially consumer users in the future.
AUDIENCE: Hi, great stuff.
For the JDBC services, I'm assuming that it's only going
to work for a Cloud based like Amazon web services
or a hosted solution.
What about operability with the secured data connector to pull
from an internal resource.
EVIN LEVEY: Absolutely.
That's a great question.
We do have support for JDBC inside the secured data
connector now, and its not quite ready for
public consumption.
But we expect to get it at the door within the
next that few weeks.
Let's put it that way.
I don't have a firm date, and the SDC team did ask us to
announce that, and make it clear to everybody that if
you're using SDC today, you will automatically be able to
have your JDBC tunnel through the secure data connector into
your organization and hit your own internet databases hosted
Great question.
Thank you.
AUDIENCE: Is there support for electronic signatures
in workflow processes?
EVIN LEVEY: Sorry, I didn't catch that.
Could you repeat?
AUDIENCE: Support for electronical signatures?
EVIN LEVEY: Electronic signatures.
Not any specific support at this time.
It is a question that we get every once in a while.
And I think that there's a big push, especially with some of
the great products in the Apps marketplace.
I think that that's something we'll addressed pretty soon.
I think we have some live wave questions.
When you say business process automation, I think you're
talking about a modeler and an engine that will
execute the process.
Is this something that you already have besides
Blueprint that uses GRIT?
If not, please take a look at www.processmaker.com.
That's a great question.
I'm sure there is a question in there somewhere other
than just an advert.
Let's put it this way, there are a lot of rules engines
out there, and they do a phenomenal job.
That's not exact strength that we're aiming for.
It's not really our nitch.
If it's something that everybody feels is really
lacking from Apps Script, I think that we can certainly
move in that direction.
But we're really talking about glue here that talks to other
best of breed products, and so I think, that maybe
processmaker is a great solution that would work well
and would integrate well with Apps Script.
When will we be able to use submitting a form as a trigger
for script, preferably with our script making
a custom results page?
The first part, you can do it now.
It went live a few hours ago.
The second part, the script making a custom results page,
is not possible today.
The reason for that is you're dealing with the spreadsheet
form, and the spreadsheet form, just returned
it's standard response.
Whereas even with our GUI capabilities you're not hitting
our service, your hitting the form service.
That's definitely one of the next steps we'll take.
The second part is just not possible today.
Where do I find more info on custom user
interfaces for scripts?
We do have a user guide that that's just been pushed
in the last few hours.
It goes into a lot of detail about how to get up to speed on
writing service like Javascript with Google Apps Script and
there, there's the kernal of a tutorial on using the
new UI functionality.
I urge everybody to start there.
It's very GRIT like.
In fact this incarnation is based on GRIT.
So if you're familiar with that, it should
be no problem to you.
AUDIENCE: Could you think of or describe an architecture a bit
like the Motorola one where they use forms to not only
insert records in the system but to update records.
And, the business problem is that you only want to let
certain users, perhaps the author of that record to
be able to edit them.
EVIN LEVEY: So with spreadsheet forms today, there's no
ability to go back and change a response.
And, I know its a highly requested feature.
With Apps Script, on the other hand, now that we've
got a fully capable UI.
You saw that we were able to pre-populate some of the fields
with the results from the JDBC query, or sequel query.
You can absolutely build that today with Apps Script.
In fact, one of the demos on our templates page populates
the form from the spreadsheet, lets the user edit, and
submit back and the rows change and update.
And, obviously we're very content to have
a spreadsheet be our
data store, because it's such a nice and fast interface to
Google spreadsheets, but naturally you could pull that
data from any source at all, including my sequel data base.
Are there any plans to provide ODBC connective for sites slash
docs, scripts that will allow direct connection to internal,
behind the fire wall databases using SDC?
I think we've probably covered that one already.
There's a few pieces that have to fall into place and we will
release JDBC through SDC in the next few weeks.
And Q3, we'll have sites and docs be embedded containers for
Apps Script, and so while you're able to do most of these
things today I think to get the complete solution to the
question, of it may be a couple of months ahead.
AUDIENCE: Yes, hi.
I was curious to find out whether or not, you have in
your road map anything that would allow people in the
marketplace, application developers, to package scripts
that would then become ubiquitous in the target
customers environment since there's lots of benefits to
them that if you're an application developer.
EVIN LEVEY: I think the short answer is no.
We don't have that today.
What we have inside Google spreadsheets
is a script gallery.
I don't know that many of you will have seen it, but you can
hit insert scripts, and gives you a little pop up like the
gadget gallery and you can install that user generated
content and that's actually backed by the Google
Apps marketplace.
And obviously there's no fee for any of the scripts.
This source code is freely available.
That really helps with transparency, and auditing what
the code is actually doing.
And that's definitely a consumer focused piece of
the picture inside of Google Apps domain.
What we intend to offer is a domain specific gallery along
the lines of the existing domain specific template
gallery and gadgets gallery.
I think as we move in that direction of the next few
months, you'll begin to see more capabilities to install
scripts for a domain then do some kind of deployment
For example, every spreadsheet at Motorola, perhaps would have
a specific script that runs and audits its use of the product,
or something like that.
AUDIENCE: For this use, it would be great if you could
install as part of a marketplace application
installation process.
Thank you.
EVIN LEVEY: I'm not sure if there are more questions in our
wave, no more live questions.
Oh, one more.
AUDIENCE: Actually, it's not a question actually.
Just thanks for the presentation, because we've
been hearing about this for a while, but, to just kind of
look at a live system that actually works.
Some use cases that you can really use for business, I
guess for a business user a little dumb.
But just to see something that come together is really helpful
with forms, and a menu going to the left inside, and how you
can use these things to do that, so that was great.
Thanks so much.
got a question, maybe for Stephanie.
How do you deal with the governance of your code?
You've got spreadsheets.
You've got sites.
They have to be long lived across the owners of those
spreadsheets and the owners of those sites
leaving the company.
Perhaps their accounts being deleted.
How have you managed that internally so that that you
don't delete an important business spreadsheet that's
used by many people?
STEPHANIE ANTHONY: Part of the reason we want people in forms
is because we don't people getting to the scripts.
So, we can keep the actual users out of the scripts.
But we are backing up all of our code, and Motorola is big
on code control, and all of our code being locked down, so we
are keeping copies and saving it all.
AUDIENCE: But, what if the person that created
the script leaves?
Then that document will be deleted?
STEPHANIE ANTHONY: Oh, well, for instance, in a different
thing that we did, I made a site for a very top secret type
of thing, so I can't see the data, I'm not allowed to see
the data, so I made it, and I made someone else the owner, so
I transferred ownership to him.
And we've got other things where we actually share
ownership, so we try never to have one person
owning something.
We try have multiple people owning it, but I really like
that you can create something and then transfer the ownership
away and then you're totally locked out of it.
That really helps for us.
EVIN LEVEY: And I think that's a great question in terms of
ownership and it comes up regularly for all of Google
Apps, and I think that what we envision inside Apps Scripts
team in participlar is the notion of a [? roller cant. ?]
and so there wouldn't be a particular employee that owns
the document or the script.
Obviously, we intend to bust out of spreadsheets, so scripts
will be stand alone, but the same problem will apply, that
if the [? roller cant ?]
gets deleted, the data gets deleted too.
But obviously, [? roller cants ?]
hopefully won't be leaving the company to move on to to
bigger and better things.
AUDIENCE: This might kind of weird question, but
I'm a Systems Integrator.
We used to laugh at people that have legacy applications like
this built on Lotus Notes and they want to migrate
into something new.
Help me understand how to convince people, that they
aren't locking into another scripting language and silo?
EVAN LEVI: This is actually something ?] that
keeps me up at night.
And Google is all about basically keeping ourselves
honest, so that users have the ability to take their data
away and go somewhere else at any time.
When we're not locking you in, it forces us to stay ahead
and keep innovating and keep moving.
And code, written on a system like this, it's
that big investment.
You sink a lot of cost, a lot of time into rebuilding your
systems on Google Apps Script.
Hopefully not that much money and not that much time.
That's our goal.
But it's still an investment.
And at that stage you have some costs, so what do you do?
I have no solution.
I have answer for you and I recognize that its a problem.
If you have solutions for that can make us more open and
transparent, I'd really love to hear them.
OK, I think we'll leave it.
I'd like to thank everybody for all the great questions.
And, please try Apps Script.
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